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Distributor for
Soneil battery chargers

Prices have changed as of March 21st, 2020 due to diving loonie.

The care your batteries deserve!

(Intelligent, small, light-weight,
affordable chargers for
lead-acid batteries)

The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy Book Cover

The hydrogen economy is not going to save us from rising energy costs!

You need your own
Personal Energy Plan.

Save 1/100th of a tree

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Water Savers | Econogics Home | Products and Services | Electric Vehicles

Reducing Your Expenses | Personal Energy Plan | The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

25 Years of Serving Clients Around the World, Still 100% Canadian

2023.01.20 - Econogics congratulates the Island Futures Group on Gabriola Island on getting their 2023 projects for the upcycling of used cooking oil fully funded. Econogics is pleased and proud to have contributed to this success. Our report which supported their application. If you would like to discuss how Econogics can help you with shifting to sustainable practices, implementing zero-emissions technologies and save money doing it, get in touch.

2022.12.21 - On the winter solstice, the Canadian federal government finally announced national sales mandates for zero-emissions vehicles (ZEV), which for all practical purposes means battery-electric vehicles. Ottawa unveils national mandate to enforce ZEV sales targets (Electric Autonomy)
Will you be ready by 2026 when the quotas kick in? Should you be moving earlier to ensure you can get the vehicles you will need if the automotive sector continues to have problems meeting demand with growing waiting lists? Don't panic; plan! We have been using EVs on-road and off-road for decades, and we can help decipher the jargon, interpret the specifications, and work with you to determine what vehicle(s) can meet your needs. The company founder put his first street-legal EV on the road in 1979.
Send us an email to connect.

Electric Vehicle Consulting Services (on and off-road)

Electric Vehicles and Related Topics

Why Canadian Municipalities Should
Embrace Electric Vehicles and Tools

Intelligent Chargers for Lead-Acid batteries
(for patient lifts, scooters, powerchairs, other medical equipment, electric tractors and tools, etc.)
Online ordering

Curtains for COVID
(face shield enhancement to reduce virus transmission)

Econogics Blog (Currently covering COVID-19)

Climate Change: Reality, Mitigation, Adaptation
now at

Environmental solutions
now at

Oil spill technologies that work
now at

Saving money on your energy bills and other things

Surviving the New Normal: The Endless Recession

The Hyperbole (er..Hydrogen) Economy

Safe Surfing

What is Econogics?

Econogics - Products and Services

If you have a question about anything we do, just e-mail us.

Water Savers | Econogics Home | Products and Services | Electric Vehicles

Reducing Your Expenses | Personal Energy Plan | The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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