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Last updated 2023.10.22 (sub-pages may have been updated more recently)

Proud sponsor of the EVCO Electrathons

Econogics Products and Services

Electric Vehicles Consulting (on and off-road) | Energy Efficiency and Conservation Consulting
The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy (book) | Water Savers | Soneil Battery Chargers
Business Systems Consulting

Electric Vehicle Technology Consulting

In 2011, Nissan and Mitsubishi started putting their advanced battery electric cars on sale in North America. Today, plug-in vehicles are on the brink of going mainstream, and are a key technology to enable us to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions dramatically. Organizations should be determining how they will utilize these vehicles to reduce operating costs, meet corporate emissions targets, reduce vulnerability to refined oil products price volatility and supply disruptions, and drive their message to their clients and the public by getting these vehicles into their fleets - on-road and off-road.

If you don't know where to get started, we do. We don't represent any brand of plug-in vehicle or charging systems. We work for you, not a vendor.

With over 30 years of real-life, hands-on experience with electric vehicles on-road and off, we can help you plan an optimal approach to embracing plug-in vehicles. Based on your needs, we can determine which plug-in vehicles can get the job done for you, and create a successful implementation with services like:
  • getting past the mythology and disinformation
  • making the business case for using plug-in vehicles in your fleet
  • vehicle selection based on requirements definition (possibly mapping to existing fleet)
  • writing funding proposals and RFPs for acquisition and support
  • designing in-house electric vehicle charging infrastructure and charging protocols to maximize value and minimize upstream GHG emissions
  • how to locate and mark spaces for vehicle charging to be effective
  • learning from successes and failures in past fleet implementations by others
  • an education plan for drivers and customers
  • estimating GHG emissions reductions (annual or over vehicle life, operational or total embodied)
  • estimating other pollutants, toxins and carcinogens reductions
  • In the meantime, we can also guide you regarding options that are available today that can meet many of your existing transportation needs. Did you know that electric versions of buses, Class 8 road tractors and utility vehicles are already available for sale? How about electric boats, including ferries? Electric aircraft are an emerging technology. Did you know that the U.S. Navy has been using electric ground vehicles for decades, or that the Canadian Department of National Defence has used EVs? Including a Canadian-made small EV which could be driven into a passenger elevator and driven indoors to pick-up and deliver equipment, and then driven into the field to support operations. If you have a transportation requirement, and a commitment to good environmental citizenship, then we can likely find a clean-air transportation solution to meet your needs.

    We drive the talk. We have and use several plug-in vehicles, and have for decades. Clean air, zero-emissions, environmentally beneficial absolutely, and cost-effective too, if you know what you are doing. Save by learning from our experience, including hybrids and biofuels. If you want to learn a lot about clean electric drive for free, start here. If you want our guidance regarding your fleet, from line-trimmers to trucks, contact us for additional help tailored to your situation.

    Here are some pieces written by our company President related to electric vehicle technology.

  • Electric Mobility Canada Backgrounder - Electric Vehicles and the Grid
  • Electric Mobility Canada Backgrounder - Part of Canada’s Climate Change Solution
  • The LSV - A Made in Canada Solution, Not Welcome in Canada paper presented at the 2008 Transportation, Traffic and Mobility Conference (.doc)
  • Slide deck for The LSV - A Made in Canada Solution, Not Welcome in Canada paper presented at the 2008 Transportation, Traffic and Mobility Conference
  • The Inevitable Electric Car
  • Proposal to legalize electric motorcycles on Ontario highways
  • (A partial list of EV-related activities by Darryl McMahon can be found here.)

    Energy Efficiency and Conservation Products and Services

    Water Saver toilet fill diverters

    Simply the most cost-effective way to reduce residential water use. Saves water that would be wasted on the fill cycle, does not reduce water volume for the flush. Installs quickly and easily, then forget it. No moving parts, no consumables, no maintenance - ever! Just $5! Save water and your money, forever! Guaranteed!
    Water Saver toilet fill diverter information ==>

    Soneil Battery Chargers

    It took years before we found a product made by someone else that impressed us so much that we decided to sell it. That's what happened with Soneil battery chargers. We aren't just a distributor, we were a customer first, and still are. We couldn't sell to you if we weren't first sold ourselves on this product, and we are. Our first Soneil charger got us an extra two seasons out of the traction pack in our electric tractor we simply would not have had with the OEM charger in the tractor.

    The Soneil chargers are intelligent, compact and affordable chargers, available for lead-acid batteries in 6, 12, 24, 36, 48 and 72-volt versions, and several models for the most common voltages. If you are tired of replacing your batteries because they have died prematurely at the hands of a dumb charger, we recommend investing in a Soneil smart charger, and getting more life out of your batteries. Soneil battery charger information ==>

    Reducing Your Energy Bills

    If rising energy bills are affecting your household budget or corporate bottom-line, and it's time to do something about it, we can help. We know a lot about reducing energy consumption and related costs. We're so sure we can help, we even provide a lot of good information on the subject on our website for free.

  • how to reduce your electrical bill,
  • how to reduce your air conditioning costs,
  • how to reduce your heating costs,
  • how to reduce your vehicle's fuel bill.

    Insulated Window Coverings

    We are contemplating providing this service again, now that there is more consumer interest in reducing energy bills and reducing personal greenhouse gas emissions (while also making your personal space more comfortable and attractive). We made them about a decade ago, but interest faded over time. If you are interested in making your own rather than purchasing from us, we also provide more window insulation information here ==>

    Fitted Window Shade Cloths

    We no longer offer these. We developed these as a minimally-intrusive, easy-up and easy-down solution to reducing summer solar heat gain. We're extremely happy with ours, and a few other people have expressed interest, so we still present information on how to make your own. More window shading information here ==>

    If those valuable tips leave you looking for more savings, contact us for additional help tailored to your situation. If your concern is more about security of supply or sustainability than immediate cost savings, we can guide you on that as well.

    The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

    If you wish to buy the eBook on-line, please visit the publisher's Web site (iUniverse).

    If you wish to buy a copy of the trade paper book on-line, please use any of the following on-line book sellers.
    iUniverse (publisher)
    or any of dozens of other booksellers on the Web.

    If you wish to buy an autographed copy of the book ($35.95, plus shipping and applicable taxes), please e-mail to make arrangements.

    If you wish to buy ten or more copies of the book, please e-mail for our pricing.

    Business Systems and Services

    Econogics, Inc. is a small business, intentionally. Our focus is on providing quality solutions to our clients, which means we cannot afford to over-extend our resources. We won't hire just anybody, our people are special to us. Our base of operations is in Canada's national capital region, but we will work anywhere in Canada or the United States. We are not cheap, but we are worth every penny you'll pay us, and more. As our President is fond of saying, "Good solutions may be expensive, but bad solutions cost even more."

    In simple terms, our product is economical, practical solutions to your problems. We have expertise in helping our corporate clients in the following areas.

    Project Management
    We provided project management and other services to the 2002 EVCO Electrathon (and the four previous annual EVCO Electrathons) at no charge as part of our community commitment. This is a low-budget, volunteer-staffed, one-day, rain or shine event. Slipping the delivery date or exceeding the budget were acceptable. We are proud of our reputation for on-time, on-budget delivery, for the Electrathon and our paying clients.

    Information Systems
    From business requirements through systems design, development, maintenance, systems conversion and interfaces - we do it all.

    PowerHouse Expertise
    Having problems finding developers / designers / programmers with real expertise with PowerHouse software (PHD, PDL, QDD, Dictionary, Qdesign, Quick, Quiz, QTP) for your applications? Look no further - we have years of experience with this family of products on various platforms (HP3000, Alpha, PC, etc). We think the PowerHouse suite is a solid line of products, and would be delighted to work with you on maintenance or development using the PowerHouse suite.

    (PowerHouse is a registered trademark of Cognos Incorporated)

    Revenue Generation and Protection
    We look upon your staff, corporate information processing systems, and production facilities, as assets with the potential to generate revenue and provide competitive advantage for your business. Do you?

    Cost Reduction
    We HATE waste, it is usually expensive as well as bad for the environment.

    Cost-Benefit Analysis
    Do you consider all the costs and benefits in your decision-making process, or just the ones that are easy to quantify?

    Corporate Image Enhancement
    There are better and less expensive ways than just giving away money. You want to relate to your customers and clients, and their community. There is far too much emphasis on short-term results ('this quarter syndrome') and not enough on developing lasting relationships. Most humans don't create relationships on a lowest-cost basis, and so far, the end-of-the-chain consumer for businesses is still humans. The all-too-pervasive race to the bottom in North American business, taken to its logical end, will eventually impoverish us all.

    How can we help you?

    Comments are always welcome. Send an e-mail to the President

    Telephone: (613) 784-0655

    Regular Post:
    Econogics, Inc.
    48 Tarquin Crescent,
    Ottawa, Ontario, K2H 8J8

    Water Savers | Econogics Blog | Products and Services | Electric Vehicles | Reducing Your Expenses | Personal Energy Plan | The Emperor's New Hydrogen Economy

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