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Electric Oddities (small)

Last updated 2009.10.23

Looking for a smart, small, lightweight, affordable charger for your small EV?
They're here! Soneil chargers for lead-acid batteries from 6 to 72 volts.

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Electric bicycle, moped, scooter and motorcycle producers seem to appear and disappear more frequently than the producers of larger vehicles, probably because start-up costs are relatively low, but market penetration is difficult, especially in North America for such vehicles. Therefore, this page will probably be continuously out of date, no matter how often I update it. Any additions, corrections and contributions are always welcome.

Other Types of Small EVs

And then there are some vehicles that I just do not know how to categorize. Here's a selection.


The Aerorider is a 3-wheeled, human-electric hybrid vehicle that seems to have been inspired by velomobiles and Electrathon racers.

Beebe Bandit

The Beebe Motor Company is developing the Beebe Bandit Sportscycle, currently (late 1999) in the prototype stage. It appears to be a three-wheeled, recumbent, hybrid vehicle (human/electric), enclosed, single-seater vehicle. As of 2005 there is no apparent record of it reaching production.

Bombardier Embrio

An electric unicycle? Why not, electric barstools were popular for a while. At 360 pounds, it's heavier than it looks. It's only a prototype, and being based on a fuel cell for power, it's unlikely to ever reach production status. But equip this machine with an advanced battery (like Li-ion), and it could be hot!
[dead link:] Forbes article on the Embrio and Bombardier's Press Release

Electric pocket motorcycles are coming onto the market from a number of manufacturers. Too small to be street-legal in most jurisdictions, they're made for fun, not practicality. I'm going to give this market a year or so to prove itself worthy of note and not just a passing fad before researching it in much depth.


Code-named Ginger and It, Dean Kamen's combination of electrics, electronics and gyroscopes made a huge splash when it was introduced. The Segway Human Transporter has spawned a small number of imitators since. Frequently referred to as personal (electric) transporters (PETs), these machines usually have 3 or 4 wheels, unlike the two wheels on the original Segway. The PETs include models like the Rad2Go Q Electric Chariot and the [dead link:∏uctId=1982012]National Sporting Goods TRX Personal Transporter.


The Twike is a two-seater electric/human powered hybrid. More information on the Twike at [Site no longer exists:]

Zero Ryder

The Zero Ryder was a human powered enclosed three-wheeler with a hybrid-electric drive option available. Their web presence disappeared in approximately 2003.

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