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Electric Go-karts
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Electric Go-Karts Links

Last updated 2011.08.18

Looking for a smart, small, lightweight, affordable charger for your small EV?
They're here! Soneil chargers for lead-acid batteries from 6 to 72 volts.

We do not sell electric go-karts. We think zero-emissions low-noise electric karts are a great means of recreation, and in particular suitable to indoor operation. We think they are poised to explode in popularity. We do sell Soneil battery chargers, both high and low current models, which would be ideal for kart charging.

Electric Go-kart Links

Links for this topic come and go, and videos are a big thing now, so probably better to just do your own web search now. (It was different a dozen years ago.)

Asmo Electric Karts
[link has bit-rotted: http://www.evworld.com/archives/hobbyists/ev_gokart.html] Bob Biancur's Electric Kart
[dead site: http://electric-gokart.kicks-ass.net/] Dean's Home-Built electric kart
Electra Motorsports
[no content displayed: http://www.electricgocarts.com/] Electric Storm
Built for Fun EVs (includes some kart designs)
European electric karting
[dead site: http://www.gravitron.co.uk/] Gravitron Electric Karts (security certificate expired as of 2024.01.23)
[Site no longer exists: http://www.greenpropulsion.be/product01.asp">Green Propulsion electric kart]
[dead link: http://home.comcast.net/~briano911/gokart.html] Homebuilt Electric Off-road go kart
Instant Electric Go-Kart Conversion (brute simple) (see Step 2 on the page)
K1 Speed electric in-door go karts (Seattle)
[dead site: http://www.kta-ev.com/] KTA Services Inc
Lynch Motor in electric go kart
[dead link: http://www.popularmechanics.com/home_journal/workshop/4264026.html] Mythbusters make an extreme electric go-kart
R.E. Enterprises Electric Karts
[Site no longer exists: http://www.escooterstore.biz/blog/karts/tips-for-selecting-your-electric-powered-go-kart] Tips for selecting your Electric Powered Go Kart
[Site no logner exists: http://evteam.gambitdesign.com/gallery/album05] West Philadelphia High School electric kart

There is a [Yahoo! killed groups: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Ev_Building] Yahoo! group for building small EVs, including electric go-karts.

Here are a few EV kart videos.
Electric Go-kart with LiPo Batteries
50,000 Watt Electric Go Kart
Electric Go-Kart. 2 Weeks, No instructions, Sophomore in High School

[Site no longer exists: http://www.buygokartparts.com/goped-trq-trail-ripper-quad-electric-drive-speed-pass-gocart-go-cart-kart-ev-bike/] Goped TRQ Trail Ripper<

Electric Go Kart at the 2009 Canberra EV Festival Electric Gokart On Thisted Gokart Track 3

If you have additional relevant links, just let us know, and we'll add them to the list.

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